
Psoriasis - The Simple Cure Book One
Leonie Mateer tells her story with honesty and stark humility. Living with a socially and personally disfiguring disease she offers her readers twenty-five years of research into how to eliminate the effects of plaque psoriasis.
She tells of tried and tested cures from crystals, coal tar and ointments to almost every drug available. She finally finds the cure in the most unexpected place.
A must read for any psoriasis sufferer. A quick and informative 30 page booklet on how to treat your psoriasis without drugs!
Acid/Alkaline food charts included.

“Thanks for a short and quick solution.”
Amazon reader

A collection of articles, tips and recipes for
"Staying Clear"

The updated book includes:

Leonie Mateer continues her journey of staying psoriasis free with her new book "Psoriasis -Staying Clear. The Healthy Alternative.”
Her experience over the past four years of having successfully cleared her skin of psoriasis has inspired her to share her knowledge of how she maintains her healthy skin on a daily basis with pertinent researched topics, tips, blogs and recipes.
A great follow-up to her previous successful book "Psoriasis - The Simple Cure -Who Knew? And a must read or all psoriasis sufferers looking for a healthy way to obtain and maintain clear skin.
A comprehensive collection of her "tried and true" healthy recommendations for clearing psoriasis - including all the blogs and articles on this site.
125 Million People Worldwide suffer from Psoriasis
Approximately 7.5 million people in the United States have psoriasis.
Psoriasis occurs in all age groups but is primarily seen in adults.
Up to 40 percent of people with psoriasis experience joint inflammation that produces symptoms of arthritis. This condition is called psoriatic arthritis.
"I cleared my Plaque Psoriasis and my psoriatic arthritis
using a healthy alternative" ​
