UV Lamp for Healing Psoriasis Naturally
The UV hand-held lamp is my winter "must have" to keep my psoriasis away.

10 Best Tips for Healing Psoriasis
Yep. I have been there and done that - psoriasis that is. Horrible, embarrassing, emotionally and physically scarring and a...

Alkaline/Acidic Food Chart
I ate 80% alkaline food and 20% acidic foods until my psoriasis cleared. Then I ate 60% alkaline food and 40% acidic food to maintain my cle

Psoriasis - Before and After
If anyone told me four years ago that I would have clear, healthy skin after twenty-five years of embarrassment and humiliation - I would...

How to test your pH Levels
I could hardly wait to test my pH levels once I heard Psoriasis grows in an acidic body. I ordered my pH test strips online but couldn't...

Baking Soda and Psoriasis
My choice of ensuring my drinking water is alkaline is using baking soda (from my local health food shop). The amount needed is so small...

Lets talk Herbs! A psoriasis healer!
There is nothing more rewarding than picking fresh herbs from your very own herb garden. I cut an assortment of parsley, thyme, oregano,...

Himalayan Salt - The Alkaline Hero
When I decided to give up sugar and dairy to heal my psoriasis - I hoped I didn't have to give up salt too! I didn't! I learned that...

Stress - a psoriasis trigger
Yep.. As if stress is not bad enough on our minds and bodies ... it is worse on our psoriasis! Just google how stress affects our bodies...

Healing Psoriasis - The no-drug way!
Greasy ointments, smelling tars, drugs that made my hair fall out, my gums bleed and my lips swell! Every prescription gave me hope,...